Sustainability Standards

GHG Protocol

What is the GHG Protocol?

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol is one of the most broadly used standards and guidance for GHG emissions accounting. The standards were developed largely by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development.

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What does GHG Protocol do?

The GHG Protocol provides a framework for companies, organisations, cities and countries to quantify their greenhouse gas emissions and calculate their carbon footprint. Standards and guidance documents are provided.

The GHG Protocol has developed the following standards for carbon accounting:

  • Corporate Standard
  • Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard
  • GHG Protocol for Cities
  • Mitigation Goal Standard
  • Policy and Action Standard
  • Product Standard
  • Project Protocol

These standards, as well as the other guidance documents under the GHG Protocol, help companies, organisations, cities, and countries to:

  • Calculate your GHG Emissions inventory
  • Understand your carbon footprint
  • Develop GHG mitigation strategies

If you are looking to calculate the carbon footprint of your business,
then the Corporate Standard is the place to start!

The Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard is a great way to make sure your carbon footprint is comprehensive, being sure to include the Scope 3 emissions. Our team of consultants is here to help you identify the sources of Scope 3 emissions in your value chain, and quantify those indirect emissions to give you a more full picture of your carbon footprint.

How does the GHG Protocol work?

The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides guidance and specifies requirements for preparing a GHG emissions inventory and calculating the carbon footprint.

The objectives of the GHG Protocol are:

The GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard has an increased focus on Scope 3 emissions.

GHG Protocol Scope 1:

Emissions produced directly from an organisation. Examples include: mobile combustion from company cars, stationary combustion of natural gas for space heating

GHG Protocol Scope 2:

Emissions produced indirectly by an organisation, from imported energy. Examples include: emissions resulting from electricity generation, emissions associated with district heating

GHG Protocol Scope 3:

Emissions produced indirectly by an organisation, from their supply chain. These include: emissions generated by suppliers of purchased goods and services, emissions associated with wastewater treatment

GHG Protocol Consultants

Expert Guidance

Our team of consultants brings a wealth of experience in calculating organisational carbon footprints in line with the GHG Protocol. We guide you through the entire process, ensuring accuracy, and optimal results.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every business is unique. Our consultancy services are fully customised to meet your specific needs, whether you’re a small startup or a larger organisation.

Comprehensive Assessment

Our consultants conduct thorough assessments to identify emission sources, collect data, and analyse your carbon footprint. We provide actionable insights to help you prioritise reduction measures and optimise resource allocation.

Streamlined Reporting

Reporting emissions can be complex, but we simplify the process. We assist you in developing transparent and accurate reports that meet GHG Protocol requirements, enhancing your credibility and stakeholder trust.

Continuous Support

Our partnership doesn’t end with the first calculation. We offer ongoing support to ensure your sustainability efforts remain on track. From performance monitoring to updating emission inventories, we’re here to help you stay ahead of the curve.


Carbon Footprint Assessment

Our dedicated Sustainability Division at CGBC are well equipped to help you calculate your organisation’s Carbon Footprint and offer solutions and support in reducing your consumption towards Net-Zero.

Book a consultation today and take your first steps to tackle your carbon footprint.

Understanding your GHG Emissions

Your dedicated Sustainability Consultant will guide you through the impact of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for your Organisation.

Starting with a deep dive analysis, our highly skilled consultant will assist with your journey to calculating your GHG emissions and calculating your Carbon Footprint.


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