ISO Audit Consultants
CGBC can support you with all ISO compliance matters from internal audits to updating legal compliance.
What is an internal audit?
An ISO internal audit (IA) evaluates an organisation’s internal controls to determine their level of compliance with the external standard(s) against which they are being audited. It assesses efficiencies – measured by the level of quality and risk management systems – and business practices against one or more ISO Standards.
In essence, an ISO internal audit is a review of operational and interdepartmental efficacy within an organisation.
- Are the correct measures in place to mitigate against risks, threats, weaknesses?
- Are systems operating in a manner consistent with the requirements of the standard?
- Are there clear lines of communication for personnel, partners, and customers?
Internal audit - Why?
Many of our clients need to measure efficiency against performance. Others simply want an internal audit in support of their ISO Certification.
CGBC’s internal audits are conducted in-house or remotely, provide impartial, independent reviews of business processes and systems, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, as well as risks and opportunities. Whether against ISO standards or industry regulation, our team of internal auditors will deliver high-quality, high-value, objective reviews of your business systems.
By comparing how you do things on a daily basis with documented policies and procedures we will get a clear picture of how well – badly – your management system is functioning. Gaining a full understanding of your operational performance will allow you to identify and improve upon any issues, shortfalls, weaknesses that might otherwise lead to a non-compliance or worse, leave you exposed to risk.
Our Approach
CGBC’s approach to internal auditing is one that gives equal focus to process, purpose and people. When working with our clients, our focus is on helping them to transform internal audit holistically – process, purpose, people – to build and maintain trust.
By availing of our outsourced of ‘managed’ internal audit service, clients can rely on our expert auditors to propose bespoke solutions to assist with aligning their Management System(s) to business strategy in an ever-changing risk landscape.
Designed to perform a full review of business processes, the resultant reporting outputs detail findings such as strengths and weaknesses, and risks and opportunities, against external standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 and ISO 50001.
Peace of Mind = Internal Audits
Our team is committed to inspiring confidence and giving our clients peace of mind.
Multi-disciplinary and agile, our internal auditors combine competencies with industry experience and insights into emerging trends. Our team’s collaborative approach is one that underpins both a strong sense of teamwork and the purpose of working towards a common vision, whilst also achieving a great mutual understanding.
Gaining this comprehensive understanding of our clients’ business supports informed decision making. It allows us to identify and address the most complex issues and shortcomings, and work with them to agree the most effective resolutions.
Our Clients expect transparency and accountability. As their trusted partners, they depend on the veracity of our insights, and breadth of expertise. For this reason, our consultants are carefully assigned on a project by project basis.
Working to a proven audit methodologies and employing best in class auditing tools, they continuously provide our clients with constructive, high-quality audits. Because they understand that to achieve their potential our clients need a tailored service shored up by robust methodology each one of our consultants is a highly experienced, accredited and proficient subject matter experts.

Benefits of CGBC Auditing Services
ISO audit services are the bedrock of CGBC client work.
They help our auditors to serve our clients' best interests through building trust and confidence. Our Multi-disciplinary team deliver high-quality audits, innovating to provide value and transparency, and offering exceptional customer service.
High-quality internal or first-party audits create the foundation of trust on which we build strong and lasting relationships. They are the start and end point of inspiring confidence and assurance amongst our clients. Designed to facilitate growth, certainty and consistency, ultimately, they build a better business.
Our internal auditing services provides for a full review of business processes, after which our consultants will provide you with a management report, highlighting strengths and weaknesses against external standards such as ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 27000.
How we can help you achieve ISO certification
We have an unblemished record when it comes to ISO Certification. With an unparalleled 100% success rate, underpinned by a high level of commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism, we can guarantee your certification success.
By completing your tailored Integrated Management System (IMS) certified by an approved certification body your organisation is able to provide independent verification of its commitment to multiple management best-practices and to safeguarding the future of your business, personnel and wider business community. Furthermore, being ISO certified is now a mandatory requirement for the majority of public and private tenders.
CGBC has developed a tried and tested ‘Steps to ISO Success’ Program for each ISO standard. Our proven five step ISO certification program will take you seamlessly from pre-initiation Gap Analysis to Closure with your ISO Certification.

A one-stop Integrated Management System
Combining best practice processes from across multiple standards provides for a holistic approach that will allow your organisation to achieve the optimal Integrated Management System: one single system to meet all your business needs, adopt innovative approaches and develop a corporate culture that promotes quality – in all its forms, service delivery excellence and client and environmental centricity.
Regardless of the size or nature of your organisation, CG Business Consulting will tailor an ISO IMS to meet your business needs, customer requirements and future strategies in line with current and pending national and EU regulations.

Why are ISO Standards important?
As the world’s leading Management System Standards, ISO aims to help organisations to establish the framework(s) required to achieve optimal business performance. ISO standards cross over multiple aspects of business operations the primary of which currently includes:
Your ISO Certification Journey
Your dedicated CGBC ISO consultant will guide you through the steps to ISO Certification. Starting with a high level overview or deep dive Gap Analysis – together we will decide what is best for your business. Our highly skilled consultants will ensure your journey to ISO Certification is as and smooth as possible.
Book a Free Consultation
From the consultation you will:
- Speak directly to an ISO professional
- Get expert advice on your business requirement
- Understand the benefits of certification for your business

Case Study
KORE Systems was the first company in Ireland to achieve the ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 management system certification with NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) on 11th February 2016.
Although the standard had just been published, CG Business Consulting is proud to have been the consultancy firm contracted by Airpacks Ltd t/a KORE Systems. They commissioned CGBC to design, document and implement their integrated ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 management system.
ISO Standards
We have the perfect service for your organisation, across a variety of business ISO standards.

Ireland’s Leading ISO Consultancy
BOOK a free consultation
From the consultation you will:
- Speak directly to an ISO professional
- Get expert advice on your business requirement
- Understand the benefits of certification for your business