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Why LockDown Doesn't Mean LockedOut - The Benefits of Remote Audits

Why LockDown Doesn't Mean LockedOut - The Benefits of Remote Audits
Why LockDown Doesn't Mean LockedOut - The Benefits of Remote Audits

The 'new world' of self-isolation and social distancing has meant an increased global reliance on all things remote - remote working, professional consultations, and advisory.

From the moment the shutters came down on lockdownWe rely on online shopping and virtual social gatherings to fulfil our daily needs, while our work diaries once filled with back to back meetings are now dotted with virtual meetings. What has become very apparent is that many elements of 'how we did things' have rapidly been propelled into the new way of doing things, and that new way is remote.

So, in our latest blog post from 'the new world', we look at the benefits of remote audits.

Regular audits are standard business practice for most companies even when not required by regulation. Independent audits offer organisations invaluable insights into their business as well as validation of their commitment to customer excellence, sustainability, and best practices, along with financial and other reporting.

While on-premise assessments can cause a certain amount of inconvenience and disruption, remote or e-audits can make the experience an altogether more ‘invisible’ and less intrusive one. The benefits of remote audits, of which there are several, are unquestionable. 

Here are just a few:-

Cost Savings through Technology 

Thanks to modern technology such as cloud and hi-speed broadband, it is now possible to access company data any time, any place, anywhere, using any device. With the click of a button we can access files, reports, spreadsheets, even team rooms, so why waste time travelling distances to hold face to face Q&A, when we can securely ‘Zoom’ in on the facts via popular platforms such as Skype and MS Teams?

Conducting audits remotely also removes the need for lengthy journeys, overnight stays, security passes, and other additional inconveniences and costs that often go with ‘on-site’ audit territory. 

Remember the last time you had an on-site audit? Think of all the disruption to staff workflow, the logistical nightmare of having one of the few if not only meeting rooms booked out for days on end, never mind the constant interruptions to ask that ‘one quick question’. Now think just how much easier it would be for your team to attend no fuss, agenda-driven remote, time-limited online sessions.

When Less Hours equals more Productivity

Another double-plus of choosing ‘e-audits’ is the less stress, more efficient boon both parties will experience. By eliminating the on-site fear factor, your teams daily productivity won’t be impacted, while avoiding the hassle of increased travel time and working out of an unfamiliar location, will boost both the quality and continuity of work of the audit team.

Working from their home office environment, the designated audit team will feel more comfortable, since they will be in familiar surroundings and using their everyday tools such as software, hardware etc. This way, the productivity will be substantially increased in remote audit, with fewer hours being needed to complete tasks, resulting in reduced impact to your organisation.

COVID-19. Removing the need for an on-premise audit has multiple benefits - financially, logistically, environmentally, operationally - it is also the ideal answer to the current situation we all find ourselves in, where we are trying to limit travel and minimise face to face contact, in line with current government advice/restrictions.

In the current ‘lockdown’ climate, never has ‘remote’ been more valued.

CG Business Consulting provides full ISO remote audit services. Our 'virtual' assessment offering will provide your company with the same thorough and transparent end to end audit as our on-site offering. No corners will be cut, nor shortcuts taken.

For more information on our ISO audit services click HERE.

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